I was in one of the visions of the Throne Room, where I spent most of my prayer time, and the Lord by His Grace showed me how the power of being seated at the Throne Room works. I will combine the sharing of this vision with teaching regarding what it means to be seated with Christ in the heavenly places (Ephesians 2:4-10). I was shown how God the Father (with the Word) completed all things and then entered the Rest, as illustrated to us in God resting on the Seventh day (Genesis 2:1-3). Then through the ages of men continued, the next great God-event was when Christ came to the earth and become Son of Man (John 1:14). Upon completion of all His work, Christ resurrected and ascended to the Father and sat on the Throne at the right hand of God (Mark 16:19; Luke 22:69; Acts 2:33; Romans 8:34; Colossians 3:1-2; Hebrews 10:12). Then the third great God-event was released when the Holy Spirit came down to earth, to bring the church, the Bride of Christ, into this Rest.
In chronology form, it can be illustrated like the following diagram:
God the Father, God the Word and God the Spirit were revealed to some extent in a limited way in the Age of the Angels and before the Fall of Satan. After the rebellion of Satan, the Universe was divided into three sections: the pristine, the Boundary and the Warfare Zones. After a period of time, God started releasing light into the Warfare Zone and re-creation started from the planet earth. God created everything in six days and entered into the Rest (a place of completion and authority). When Adam and Eve fell, which God had foreseen through His foreknowledge, God planned to reveal Himself through Christ Jesus, the Word made flesh the Son of Man and Son of God. All the history of the Old Testament pointed to the singular and greatest event of the coming of Christ. Christ came in the fullness of time, completed His work in atoning for us, and was raised to seat at the right hand of God. Being seated was the position of Rest and authority such that nothing else need to be done. In the position at the right hand of God, He waited till His enemies are made His footstool (Hebrews 10:13). From the position of rest and authority, our Lord Jesus released the promise of the Father, the Holy Spirit, to come and bring the church into this same Rest (Hebrews 4:1-11). I saw from the Throne Room, the pattern of God doing His work, then entering the Rest; followed by Christ doing His work, then entering the Rest; and finally the Holy Spirit doing His work, and entering the Rest. The finale of the Holy Spirit entering into the Rest is when we become the habitation of God, the temple of God, filled with all the fullness of God, and entering into our place seated at the right hand of our Lord Jesus (Ephesians 1:22-23; 2:20-22; 3:17-19; Colossians 3:1-4). I saw the process of how the entrance of the Rest, which is technically and simultaneously the same as being seated at the right hand of God, released various forms of energy, angels and spirit beings to complete the process for each of the three God-events. And I saw the process in which the church-the Bride of Christ, enters into this process with the Holy Spirit. Part of these truths will be taught in the series “Seated in Heavenly Places.”
The first God-event of Re-Creation of Warfare Zone, with God entering the Rest on the Seventh Day, has parallels with the second God-event of Christ redeeming mankind and the fallen part of the Universe; which in turn has parallels with the third God-event of the Holy Spirit coming into the church to make us a holy temple of God.
Column below illustrates the parallel truths.
Title | 1st God-event Re-creation | 2nd God-event Christ Manifest | 3rd God-event Holy Spirit & Bride |
Spirit of Peace | 1st Day – Creative Light release | Light of Christ shines | Light commanded to shine in our hearts – 2 Cor. 4:6 |
Spirit of Love | 2nd Day – Waters Divided | Word on the Throne, and Word made flesh | Separation of Wheat and Tares, light and darkness, heavenly and worldly |
Spirit of Joy / Glory | 3rd Day – Land, Grass, Plants and Trees | Word spoken and sown | Abide in the Vine, all branches bear fru |
Spirit of Power | 4th Day – Stars, Sun & Moon | Believers are called out to various positions/ministries | Gifts, Ministries, Offices given |
Spirit of Life | 5th Day – Sea and Sky Animals | Angels and Spirit Beings assigned to work with Christ | Joining of work of humans and angels |
Spirit of Wisdom | 6th Day – Land Animals and Mankind | Church called to be disciples and Bride of Christ | Bride fully becomes Temple of Holy Spirit |
Spirit of Mercy (Throne Room) | 7th Day – Rest of God, everything completed | Christ Seated on the Throne | Bride manifests as New Jerusalem one Holy Spirit |
I saw that when God says that He has completed everything on the seventh day, He did finish everything. God did not have to do even a micron of work as everything is completed to the fullness (Genesis 2:1-3). And when God as Father was complete, it was like God the Word took charge. Then when God the Word was completed, including the work of Christ, the Word made flesh, the Holy Spirit was released. Imagine like a sort of glory rest entering into a human body, starting with the head, then the body, then the arms and legs, and finally down to the last final toes – from top to bottom. The glorious part was that the completion of the work of the Holy Spirit (the God-event after Christ was seated upon the Throne) was actually tied to the church, the Bride of Christ reaching maturity and oneness with the Godhead! I saw that the Seven Spirits came to the earth for one main purpose, and one purpose alone, to fuse with the Bride of Christ and bring her into the complete oneness with God the Father and God the Word, through the Holy Spirit (John 17:22-24). It was when the Bride of Christ, New Jerusalem, had reached its fullness that the rest of all creation can enter into its own rest in God. What a privilege that God would count us first of all His creation to bring us into His rest (Throne) before all the other creations of God in the Universe!
In visions of the Throne Room, I saw that at first the Throne Room was just like One God on the Throne (in the Age of the Angels, and God was known by the name of God the Most High). Then the Throne Room seemed (for the lack of a better word) to metamorphosis into a Throne Room with God the Father- the Ancient of Day – The Word – with greater glory and powerful energies but still a singular Throne. The prophet Daniel saw only one main Throne (Ancient of Days, with many other thrones surrounding) and the Son of Man (Jesus) coming before the Throne (Daniel 7:9-13). When our Lord Jesus, the Word made flesh, completed His atonement and was resurrected from the dead, as He entered into the heavens and offered Himself as a sacrifice for all of us and the Universe, I saw the Throne Room metamorphosis again and there appeared another throne beside the main Throne, at its right hand, and Jesus went and sat on it. He remains seated at the right hand of God even though people on earth continue to receive visions of Jesus doing various things. There was another metamorphosis and it seemed as if the Throne Room grew again and suddenly the Throne had seven lampstands and seven stars appeared at Jesus right hand. The Holy Spirit for the first time manifested as Seven Spirits in an even more glorious manifestation of the Throne Room. It was almost impossible to further what was taking place in Throne room. All I know is that God was showing me, how after Jesus sat on the Throne at the right hand of God, that Jesus our Saviour and Lord, completely ceased all things and it is now for the next in God-event to work out the perfect work of Christ. Then the Throne room again seemed like it expanded to show the 24 elders and the four living creatures. I realized that human vocabulary is limited to describe what was happening spiritually in heaven and words like ‘metamorphosis, transformation, manifestations, etc.’ are not always appropriate but they give a sufficient sense of allegory.
It was marvellous to see how by just being at rest on the Throne so much (everything) could be fulfilled and done as the energies flow forth from the Throne. There is power in just being at rest, everything becomes fully the work of God and no longer just our works. He who has entered into this rest, ceases from his own works (Hebrews 4:10). This great mystery of how entering the rest completes all the works is something that we will teach in the series “Seated in Heavenly places.” No power or dominion or authority can come against those who dwell in the Lord Jesus in heavenly places. Entering into the Rest is the first and foremost place to fight all of this life’s battles. For then and only then will it be Christ in us totally and fully Amen.
Major Prophetic Events taking place this year that has prophetic significance:
• Brexit. UK is part of the ten toes in Europe. There will be destabilization when humans seek to separate one toe from the foot. It might lead to UK being broken up into Scotland, Ireland and Wales, and others. Much prayer is needed here.
• USA elections. Most of the evangelical Christian leaders had prophesied wrongly about the outcome and now Christianity as a whole will suffer a disfavour. We will watch to see whether its impact on Christianity. It remains mystery Babylon. The divisions of civil war have already been sown, let us pray for all the people, especially to ask the Lord to keep the innocent safe.
• In the book of Revelations, during the Great Tribulation, there are the four different coloured horses representing dominion, wars, famine and death. They are not fully release until after the Rapture. In the meantime, the sense of these four things will occur in a lesser way during this Seven Year famine. The stench of death is increasing with many sudden deaths. Let us pray for God to keep all safe.
Blessed Christmas & A Joy-filled New Year to each of you