Fatherly Talk 8.07 Our spiritual land of Goshen

Throughout all the ten plagues that God through Moses released upon the land of Egypt, the people of God were protected and shielded from all these plagues in the section of land called the land of Goshen in Egypt (Exodus 8:22; 9:26). Even from the first entrance of the Israelites as a people into Egypt, God led Joseph to keep them within the confines of the land of Goshen (Genesis 45:9-11). As this modern period of the seven-year famine begins (2020-2027), God will also be leading His people today during the first two years of the famine into their land of Goshen (Genesis 45:11). Everyone in our modern time will be led by the Holy Spirit into their land of Goshen. The modern land of Goshen for everyone in the famine that is coming and in the great shaking of 2029 (place of refuge for each one) will be scattered throughout the whole world (the symbolic Egypt today – Revelation 11:8). Things will grow worse throughout the first two years of this seven-year famine and then the full famine will hit around the third year. It is important that everyone who hears the voice of the Holy Spirit be led by God into their own land of Goshen. For others who cannot make it on their own, they will be moved during the great modern Exodus which will occur throughout the rest of the years of famine.

The land of Goshen represents:

  • the best of the agricultural land in Egypt (Genesis 47:6).
  • a place where the Israelites in Egypt can pasture their flock (Genesis 47:4).
  • a place of separation from Egypt where being a shepherd is an abomination (Genesis 46:34).
  • a place where they can be near Joseph, who is in control of all Egypt and who spiritual is a type of Christ (Genesis 45:10).
  • a place where Joseph could provide for Israel and where they will never experience poverty (Genesis 45:11).

Our modern Goshen, scattered throughout all the earth represents:

  • a fertile place where God will help us plant and harvest food during the time of the famine and during the years of war and other things to come.
  • a land of great prosperity where food, clothing and shelter is in abundance, like the land of Canaan.
  • a refuge and pristine zone, where light is separate from darkness and God’s presence is manifest to His people.
  • a place of spiritual presence, teaching and training where God’s people go forth and proclaim the gospel throughout the world.
  • a place of heavenly presence as the kingdom of God manifests on earth physically.

The word ‘Goshen’ means ‘drawing near.’ It is the Will of God and also prophetically foretold in the Bible that God will manifest His presence on earth. From the time of Isaiah, God has revealed that He intends to make His glory and light shine upon His people while great darkness covers the earth (Isaiah 60:1-3). The third physical temple will never be built as a place for God but instead will be physically built by the Anti-Christ as a ‘Twin Dome of Peace.’ The true third temple of God, where God inhabits and puts His presence is His people, a living and breathing temple made of the bricks of men’s spirit, soul and body. The church is the body of Jesus, the fullness of God who fills all in all (Ephesians 1:22-23). The church is a spiritual building, with Jesus as the Chief Cornerstone, in which the whole building grows into a holy temple in God, a dwelling place of God in the Spirit (Ephesians 2:20-22). Jesus considers His own physical body the temple of God (John 2:19). And we are the body of Jesus and the temple of the Holy Spirit both individually and corporately (1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 6:19; 2 Corinthians 6:16; Revelation 3:12). We are living stones being built up into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood offering up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God (1 Peter 2:5). The coming great shaking of 2029 is for the purpose of God filling His temple (the body of Christ) with His glory (Haggai 2:5-7). And the Bible predicts that the glory that God is going to bring into this temple (His church, the body of Christ) will far surpass His glory in all the former temple (Solomon’s temple and the Tabernacle of Moses) (Haggai 2:9).

God also revealed that this special and super glory that He brings into His church is also liken to the kingdom of God being received by us (Hebrews 12:28-29). Both the event of the great shaking (2029) tied to the filling of the fullness of the glory of God into His temple (His church) and the event of the saints receiving the kingdom of God are the same event! (Hebrews 12:26-29; Haggai 2:6-9). And the event of the kingdom of God being set up on the earth in the days of the ten toes is linked to the saints receiving or possessing the kingdom of God (Daniel 2:44; 7:18). Note that the event of the saints receiving and possessing the kingdom of God is after the Son of Man (Jesus in Daniel’s vision)  was given dominion, which is linked to Jesus’ resurrection when all power and authority is given unto Him (Daniel 7:13-14; Hebrews 2:9-12; Matthew 28:18-20; Philippians 2:8-11). And the event of the saints receiving and possessing the kingdom of God is linked to the Ancient of Days giving a judgment in favour of the saints of the Most High and the time for the saints to possess the kingdom (Daniel 7:22). And furthermore, the event of the kingdom of God being received and possessed by the saints is also linked to the kingdom of God coming in presence in power as per Jesus’ transfiguration demonstration (Mark 9:1-3). On top of that, the kingdom of God coming on the earth is linked to the resurrection of Jesus where He bring many sons into glory, which is linked to the manifestation of the sons of God (Hebrews 2:10; Romans 8:19).

All these events are “One and the Same Event!!!” described differently from different perspectives:

  • the setting up of the kingdom of God in the days of the ten toes (Daniel 2:44)
  • the saints possessing the kingdom of God (Daniel 7:18)
  • the Ancient of Days making a judgment in favour of the saints and the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom (Daniel 7:22)
  • the great shaking of the earth and the filling of the temple with the glory of God, greater than the former temple (Haggai2:6-9)
  • the great shaking of the earth and the saints receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken (Hebrews 12:26-29)
  • the bringing of many sons into glory through the power of Jesus’ resurrection (Hebrews 2:10-11)
  • the manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:19)
  • the kingdom of God present in power and the Transfiguration of Jesus (Mark 9:1-3)
  • the coming of Jesus in His kingdom and the Transfiguration of Jesus (Matthew 16:28; 17:1-2)
  • Jesus manifesting to us, Jesus and the Father coming to make Their Home in us resulting in us doing the works of Jesus and the greater works of Jesus (John 14:12, 22-24)
  • the glory of God risen upon God’s people (Isaiah 60:1-3).
  • the church fully grown into a holy temple in God, a dwelling place of God being filled with the fullness of God (Ephesians 1:22; 2:20-22)
  • all things being put under His (Jesus) feet (Ephesians 1:22-23; Hebrews 2:8-12)

There is a three-part second coming: Jesus coming in His kingdom (into us making us His and His Father’s Home – John 14:22-24; Matthew 16:28), Jesus coming as our Gathering together to Him (Rapture – 2 Thessalonians 2:1) and Jesus coming with His saints landing on Mount of Olives (Jude 14-15; Zechariah 14:1-4). The Coming of Jesus in His kingdom is linked to the setting up of the kingdom of God in the days of the ten toes (Daniel 2:44). It is linked to the fullness of the glory of God coming into His church, His temple, and the glory being seen by all the world (Isaiah 60:1-4). It is then that God shows forth that He has made His Home in us and the Father and the Son dwells in fullness within us (John 14:22-24). We will then go forth and do the works of Jesus and the greater works of Jesus (John 14:12). All these begin when we are born again and enter into the kingdom of God. Now Jesus is preparing to come into us, as His temple and as His body, which has been built into a habitation of God (Ephesians 20-22). The first part second coming is when Jesus comes into His church, His temple and body and brings all the fullness of God’s glory transforming and transfiguring us. This establishing of His glory is manifest through us as sons of God for a time on the earth, culminating in the Rapture in which we are taken into the marriage supper of the Lamb, as the church would have reached its full maturity as a bride without blemish, spot or wrinkle. The second part is the celebration of the marriage supper of the Lamb, while the earth continues into the last seven years of Daniel. Then at the end of the seven years, our Lord Jesus comes together with all the saints and lands on the Mount of Olives. All three parts are synchronised as the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus as one part leads into another.

Having seen the overall plan of God in the coming years, we need to appreciate that while on earth, God still has His plans to establish a separation of His people into the light and the rest of the world in darkness (Isaiah 60:1-3). The land of Goshen is liken onto the pristine sections of the earth where the kingdom of God, set up in the days of the ten toes, rule and reign until all the earth has seen and heard the gospel of the kingdom of God (Daniel 2:44; Matthew 24:14). The washing of the Bride of Christ by Jesus through His word is taking place since the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost and will go on until the Bride matures into the fullness of Christ and is ready for the marriage supper of the Lamb (Ephesians 4:11-16). The final and last part of this washing of the Bride takes place from the first part Second Coming, when the kingdom of God is set up, and this process removes every spot, wrinkle and blemish from the Bride (Ephesians 5:26-32). When the Bride is all ready, then the second part Second Comin takes place and the Bride is Raptured into the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Upon completion of the Marriage Supper, where the saints are rewarded, the final third part Second Coming takes place and we return with Jesus and it synchronizes with the end of Daniel’s last week. The three part Second Coming is indeed one whole, all having to do with Jesus bringing every power and authority under His feet.

The land of Goshen are the places where God chooses in these end time to demonstrate the rule and reign of our Lord Jesus in growing like a mighty stone subduing every other kingdom that has ever existed on the earth (Daniel 2:34-35). The stone, which represents Jesus in His kingdom, grows until not a trace of the other kingdoms is left and the stone became a great mountain and filled the earth (Daniel 2:36). For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14). And no one shall hurt or destroy in all of God’s Holy Mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord (Isaiah 11:9). We have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and this is allowed to manifest in the refuge zones, the Goshen of modern times, where God will manifest the glory of His kingdom to all the earth. Be led by God to the place where God wants you to be and let the light of His glory within you rise until you become a manifestation of God walking on earth. For Christ in you is the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). And this mystery has been hidden from the ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to us, His saints, to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is the fullness of Christ within us, His Bride and church (Colossians 1:26-27). The Lord bless you and sanctify you, spirit, soul and body, unto His glorious Coming. Amen.

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