23 Feb 2011 – Testing of live streaming

Hi everyone, have been busy of late and could not get to the blog. We are almost there with live streaming and will be testing out the live streaming in all of our meetings (Thursday night Bible study at 7:30pm, Friday all night at 10pm to 12midnight, Sunday 10am and 2pm – Singapore time). There is also a short message preached to Sydney via Singapore live stream around Sydney time Sunday 4:30pm. I will catch up with everyone on the blog soon. God bless, Ps Peter

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1 Response to 23 Feb 2011 – Testing of live streaming

  1. Hello Pastor 🙂

    Good to hear that the live streaming is almost ready. Though, to be frank, I’ve already got my hands full just by listening to the MP3s and now that the audio issue has been solved, I don’t have to guess some of the things that were said 🙁

    Thank you for teaching us what we can’t get anywhere else, keep challenging us!

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