18th Dec to 20th Dec 2009

Wow, the weekend has just passed by so fast with the series of meetings. Just finished the series of teachings on Prosperity through Grace and the Endtime series on Saturday. Getting ready for the church camp next week. Not sure if I can keep update next week online as I am uncertain of the internet facilities in the camp next week. Will try but depending on how much free time I get in the camp and also internet facilities. Will also try to work on the next Fatherly Talk in between. it is interesting to see how dependent we are on the internet for communication these days. If everything on earth is a shado of the things in the invisible realm, the internet would be like a physical manifestation of the thought and visual realm for it is the place where thoughts, words and pictures are hosted.

Everything on the physcial earth has its invisible equivalent (Hebrews 11:3). We all need to keep remembering that everything we see, feel and touch around us is but a shadow of the true reality beyond this physical. The things which are seen are temporary but the things which are not seen are eternal and the true reality (2 Corinthians 4:18). Sometimes that things which are seen are not the exact (in terms of shape and form) representative of its equivalent in the spiritual realm but its ideas and thoughts are expressed perfectly (as in the spiritual realm somethings do not have shape and form like in our dimensional world. Faith is the process by which we take what is in the spiritual and brings it into the visible realm (Hebrews 11:1). This ability to handle the DNA of matter and energy is given to every single one of us. However, God has withheld some of the manifestations of this power we have until we mature and grow as a human race in the love and holiness of God – otherwise we will destroy ourselves with such power. The key to tapping on this realm is the power of thoughts and visions. And this has to be sustained by the Holy Spirit and not just by our soul. One of the first things to do is to have mind that is pure and undefiled filled with the peace and love of God (Philippians 4:7-8). Be aware of every thought, every feeling and every vision for these are the three dimensions of words. This universe was made by the power of God’s spoken word. We shall be judged by every idle word which we speak (Matthew 12:36-37). Keep daily watch always over every word, thought and feeling and vision, in our conscious life. Consiousness is life and the consciousness must be directed the purest stream, which is our Lord Jesus Christ.

Papa God, let the flow of pure thoughts be mighty upon our hearts and lives, upon our loved

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1 Response to 18th Dec to 20th Dec 2009

  1. Cheryl Jones says:

    Ps. Tan you have raised the bar for us christians!! You inspire us to love God to the utmost and go where no christian has gone before in the works of the Lord! Praise the Lord for all the wisdom and revelations He has given and we press in to receive more and more light from our Lord and Savior Jesus!

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